Believe in yourself. Road to success; Road to your Post.

Believe in yourself. Road to your Post.

Video: «Believe in yourself. Motivational video». By: teoriusvideos (Youtube)

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Text extracted from: Programación y Unidades Didácticas. Método de elaboración y Presentación oral.



Obtaining a post as a teacher necessarily goes through a selection process comprehending the elaboration of a FL programming document and its further oral presentation. Along the different chapters, we have seen that this process is not especially difficult with some knowledge of curriculum organisation and programming design.


It is not our task in this book to judge the suitability of the selection system, and, on the other hand, that would not for sure be of any interest or help. Our grain of sand has more to do with how Road to your Post can help teachers gain their posts; and perhaps this is the reason why all our publications follow a similar procedure in their construction.


In our particular creative process, there is always a “prior to writing” deep reflection, which may be resumed as: What do candidates really expect to find in a training method? Of course, in the brainstorm procedure there is always a vast array of proposals, which on the whole boil down to:


  • Making things simple. The process in itself is hard enough as to complicate it with unnecessary unfathomable contents.
  • Working on the development of candidates´ strategies more than on “magic recipes”. The “oposiciones” (let us take the liberty to use the term) is a long-distance running on which you need to know the “route map”, not to get lost; but unfortunately nobody can prevent teachers from the great individual commitment and effort this task entails. You shall win the race on your own, with determination and effort; our job is to try to shed light on the way.
  • Providing both explanations to understand the theory of programming design, but also clarifying models; after all, there is nothing like a good example to find inspiration.
  • Being a linguistic style guide, so that the study of the book leads to fluency and accuracy.


This book closes a trilogy that set off with an updated version of the topics, and a second book, in line with our self-training philosophy, a self-training method to learn how to solve a PCS (practical case study). Therefore, somehow our goal to gather in three books the necessary materials for the “English oposiciones” has been accomplished.


And yet, we feel the need to continue with our project, with new ideas, proposals, and educational tips; thus keeping Road to your Post alive at: 


Finally, we would like to express our sincere thanks to all the people who have supported us in this exciting adventure, we hope to have fulfilled your expectations with our training materials and wish you all best luck in this challenge. It is worth the effort; teaching children is a beautiful job.


“Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual. If the people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honour for me”.

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

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