Best of The Beatles: Kid`s music.

Best of The Beatles: Kid`s music.

Source: SKC animation.

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A classroom blog is an easy-to-devise and simple way to get students receive information at home, and use the FL to express their feelings and opinions about familiar classroom issues. Basically, a blog is a type of website that allows readers to add comments. Another advantage is that reading a blog devised by the FL teacher does not pose an unreachable challenge, since it has been specifically created with our students in mind. The content to be uploaded to the blog shall depend on the developmental stage and communicative competence of our group of students. In guise of an example, we may think of simple games, “treasure hunts”, or simply information regarding their preferences (i.e. music, sports, favourite games, and the like).

There is no shadow of a doubt on the fact that rapid change is the most striking feature of ICT. This gives evidence of the role of the teacher as researcher, so as to integrate technologies successfully in the FL area.

To wind up this article, we shall outline some remarkable applications and their use for FL teachers:

  • As we have already pointed out, selecting a video from Youtube and editing it with Tubechop to concentrate on different linguistic tasks is a motivating way to work with songs.
  • In apps like Glogster we can create interactive multimedia posters to introduce topics, revise lexis, motivate and attract the learners´ natural curiosity and creativity.
  • With Stupeflix we can create and personalise videos to display children´s works like roleplays in the English blog.
  • Comiclife is an easy-to-use application for the creation of comics in which we can control, organise and edit bubble texts and images.
  • Taskmagic is a wonderful tool to create a series of empty templates to insert text, images and sounds. This app generates a range of stimulating games and practice activities based on the teacher´s selected input, so that the same information is recycled and reinforced in many different ways.
  • If we want to create games, quizzes or crosswords, we can make use of Kubbu, Kahoot or Plickers as excellent options.

The contextualising and communicative value of digital resources is undeniable, especially in the context of active methodologies like the project-based approach, and with students oftentimes referred to as digital natives. Somehow, we can assert without fear of contradiction, that the old “art and craft” manufacturing of adapted materials has clearly given way to a world of resources at the click of a mouse. Therefore, the most important role of the teacher in this concern is to keep abreast of ICT so that our students benefit from the massive amount of available possibilities.


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