Games in the FL classroom: competency-based language learning.

Games in the FL classroom: competency-based language learning.

Source: English for Asia


Text extracted from: Método de resolución de casos prácticos. Self-learning method.

MODEL 3. The current educational system is shifting from a content-based model towards a competence approach, in which practical application of knowledge to real life situations is the ultimate aim. In this context, FL teachers must guarantee the attainment of certain communicative abilities. Given this, in this practical case you should write your personal reflections regarding the following issues:
a.- Methodological aspects to develop the learners´ communicative abilities in a competence-based context.
b.- FL contribution to a positive coexistence climate.
c.- The evaluation of practical learning.


The title under consideration is a prime example on how wrong we would be if we tried to solve any PCS through a direct connection with one of the 25 topics, which, as already pointed out in this volume, does not seem the right candidates´ strategy if we want to get home to port safely.

In this part of the examination process, we may have to come up with several specific answers if the title directly requires it, like the PCS under study. If we attempted to approach the paper under a “fixed formula”, we would not like to imagine the first minutes, struggling to cram the obvious content that must be developed in a “pre-cooked” design taken from home. In Road to your Post we believe that the candidate will find in the own strategies, developed after active reading, reflection and practice, the most powerful ally. However, let us see the principal concepts to start drawing our QWCI mind map:
“The current educational system is shifting from a content-based model towards a competence approach, in which practical application of knowledge to real life situations is the ultimate aim. In this context, FL teachers must guarantee the attainment of certain communicative abilities. Given this, in this practical case you should write your personal reflections regarding the following issues:
a.- Methodological aspects to develop the learners´ communicative abilities in a competence-based context.
b.- FL contribution to a positive coexistence climate.
c.- The evaluation of practical learning.”
In the model after this analysis, the candidate shall immediately note that we have opted for the most logical strategy; and the one we think would be better valued. However, in the concluding remarks we shall suggest other resolution lines.
The underlined key words give evidence of a clear educational concept: the development of the learners´ communicative competence in a FL through competence-based learning. In this learning scenario, we are asked to reflect on distinctive features of this educational perspective: methodology, the social component in the FL classroom and the indispensable condition of a positive classroom environment to foster real communication, and the evaluation of such a practical view of FLT.
In our personal view, a multiple questions PCS should be structured according to those questions, since at first glance the TBE shall clearly distinguish that we have answered all aspects. Thus, it is just a matter of slightly modifying the outline in relation to the two previous PCS covered up to now, and introducing the questions as they appear in the title.
On the other hand, this PCS revolves around essential issues upon which we must give evidence of both theoretical and practical knowledge. In accordance, in our model the candidate shall find accurate and updated explanation of concepts, together with some on-the-spot connections to practical activity types or teaching strategies.

Needless to say that this approach requires deep knowledge on what the curriculum (and rest of legal references) in the autonomous community establishes as methodological orientations and evaluation. In this sense and as part of the Road to your Post suggestions for self-learning, prior to the reading of the model we would like to encourage the candidate to search and find the aforementioned information, and extract the most relevant ideas. That shall be valuable information which may be used in plenty of different situations: topic exam, PCS exam, and even in the oral presentation of the programming and integrated didactic unit.
All autonomous communities have elaborated their concretion of the national Curriculum Act RD 126/14: a regional decree establishing the curriculum and different legal regulations (orders, resolutions, instructions) that cover aspects like evaluation of the learning process, the organisation of Primary Education, methodological guidelines to implement a modern conception of competence-based learning, and the like. Its knowledge and practical application is indispensable to convince the TBE of our proposals.

••Need to develop the knowledge of a FL due to social reality (plurilingual, pluricultural world),
••The CEFRL as a valuable framework,
••Relevance of creating familiar contexts, contextualised use of the FL, familiar situations, motivating use of the FL.

••Communicative competence (priority to oral skills at early ages), axis of FLL,
••Communicative approach through games,
••Direct exposure to the language, real communication (ICT possibilities),
••Relevance of reading development,
••Learning autonomy,
••Debates, oral presentations, real reading-writing tasks (sending an email…),
••Relation with other areas,
••Active methodologies for learning,
••Organisation of programming around projects which entail tasks accomplishment. Working through projects as ideal tools to implement competence based learning,
••Problem solving strategies and challenging tasks,
••Examples of communicative tasks: making a newspaper, audiovisual informative programs, travel guides or a marketing campaign,
••Essential role of interaction,
••Relevance of ICT use for FLT.
Summing up all the information, there is no doubt that the key ideas should be shared for every autonomous community; notwithstanding, as highlighted before, we should check those legal documents, grasping the essential information.

We cannot finish this analysis without paying attention to the evaluation of the learning process in the current legal framework, as this step is crucial to understand how we evaluate Key Competences.


According to RD 126/14, Art. 12.1, the evaluation in Primary Education must be global, as it refers to the capacities expressed in the stage objectives, and continuous, since assessment will be aimed towards training and orientation in the teaching-learning process. Similarly, it is stated that the evaluation criteria and the learning standards are the references to measure the extent to which the competences have been developed and the level of acquisition of the stage objectives.
We as FL teachers should bear in mind the importance of being aware that evaluation starts from the very beginning of the teaching-learning process and occurs through the whole process. In this sense, we should take into account three different stages when evaluating:
Initial evaluation helps the teacher to realise the students’ previous knowledge about the topic in order to programme future activities.
-Continuous evaluation announces the teacher the students’ constant progress of the programmed activities.
Summative evaluation, carried out to check the effectiveness of the didactic content.
Moreover, the evaluation procedures according to the legal framework entail the clear link amongst the learning indicators and the evaluation instruments we shall put into motion to value competence progress. Similarly, an accurate evaluation of the learning indicators entails the need to devise appropriate instruments to gather reliable information. These complex tasks can be approached successfully through the scaled rubrics, which consider different levels of achievement in each indicator, (i.e. 1: minimum attainment and poor participation; 2: low level of attainment and participation; 3: medium attainment and efficiency in communication, acceptable participation; 4: medium-high attainment level and correct participation; 5: high level of attainment and participation).
A final remark on formal writing: we can either use “I” (First person singular) or “We” as a more formal writing, as in this PCS; however, we should never change from one person to another in the same exercise.


2.Methodological aspects to develop communicative abilities in a competence-based context
3.FL contribution to a positive coexistence climate
4.The evaluation of practical learning

First and foremost, the implicit concept of practical learning is at the heart of the three questions we shall further approach in depth. The complexity of our modern 21st century society demands individuals who are able to solve complex tasks applicable to daily-life situations, using their mother tongue or a foreign language as a vehicle of communication.
The Spanish legal framework, LOMCE 8/2013, 9th December, stresses the relevance of providing learners with an all-round education covering the necessary knowledge and competences for today´s society. A competence is understood as the ability to put the knowledge, abilities and personal attitudes acquired into practice. Furthermore, the knowledge of foreign languages has become more important and necessary due to the progressive advances in the technological and computer fields, amongst other relevant reasons.
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL), Council of Europe 2001, suggests some guidelines regarding the need to implement a communicative methodology founded on the implementation of an “action-based approach” in which learners accomplish real-like tasks and solve problems.

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