Remember to wash your hands!

Remember to wash your hands!


WonderGrove Kids

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There is no doubt that handwashing keeps you healthy and gets rid of germs that can make you sick or that you might spread to other people.

Having said that, the students must develop the capacities allowing them to favour working habits, showing responsibility and self-confidence in their work. Additionally, they will practise coexistence values and social abilities, together with transversal elements like road safety education and environmental care. Moreover, the knowledge of the different subjects will enhance their interest and creativity in learning, developing critical attitudes and personal.


A key issue that has been previously highlighted is that the main goal to be attained in our FL learners is the acquisition of a certain degree of communicative competence; that is to enable the learner to communicate through oral and written means. We, as FL teachers, should be aware of the different learning theories and take into account the legal framework to provide sufficient support and scaffold for learners to understand. In order to do so, we should ensure and engaging context where the resources and the organisation are focused on a “stress-free atmosphere”; and also make the “ludic principle” a part of the process, where all the actions are based on a vivid, colourful and relevant organisation, and where the students feel involved in the acquisition of “memorable learning”. We cannot forget the importance of the Key Competences, the transversal elements and the development of the four macroskills or integrated skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing) and the eight Multiple Intelligences coined by Howard Garner.


In this same light, social interaction is at the heart of effective modern foreign language learning (FLL); therefore, it is no wonder that FL curricula understand the need to promote the active methodologies that enhance competency learning, so as to meet the real social demands, in this case, guiding children towards a competent use of English. In this light, we shall see how the state and regional educative ordinances, which describes the relations between competences, content and evaluation criteria, establishing the teaching requirements for Primary Education promote this Vygotskian approach, where cooperative learning is one of hallmarks.

On the other hand, the title under consideration brings up some essential aspects we cannot disregard to attain the main goal in our area, like the constructivist view of learning a language in social contexts or the role of the teacher as designer of the appropriate learning scenarios. Obviously, this implies putting into motion the teacher´s “programming competences” under the premises of the established FL curriculum for each grade.

Consequently, we shall delve into the theoretical foundations and practical tasks to illustrate FL competency learning, to wind up with the programming requirements to construct such proposals.


Thus, there is little doubt that motivation is a driving force that leads children to embark on putting their efforts in learning tasks. Nowadays, it is commonly acknowledged that successful teaching practice is very likely to happen in stimulating contexts. Cooperative learning is an engaging teaching strategy in which small groups work together towards a common goal. In this technique, each child is responsible for his own and the group´s progress. It is very likely that the amount of time and engagement that children can show when they are appropriately challenged in collaborative and pleasant learning environments surpasses to a great extent the “commitment time” in traditional classroom management. In this light, Kagan (2009) establishes the PIES principles to ensure full benefits in cooperation: (Positive Interdependence, Individual Accountability, Equal Participation, and Simultaneous Interaction).


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