Wellbeing for Children: Identity and Values.
Wellbeing for Children: Identity and Values.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=om3INBWfoxY
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Text extracted from: Programación y Unidades Didácticas. Método de elaboración y presentación oral.
3.3.2 Objectives.
We have already seen how RD 126/14 defines this curricular element stressing its referential character in relation to the students expected outcomes. This simple definition does not solve the controversial issue you may come across when setting the objectives for your programming.
The aforementioned RD establishes the objectives to be achieved for the whole stage of primary education (stage general objectives, SGO); as a logical consequence, they are formulated to gather the practical knowledge in all subject areas. Moreover, they cover other aspects with a more “transversal” treatment which must be approached from all the areas, like valuing and respecting coexistence norms, development of self-confidence, prevention of conflicts, appreciation and respect for different cultures and environmental awareness, amongst others.
The essence of these objectives can easily be identified with one or two words; a useful strategy to quickly relate them naturally to our educative tasks, finding logical relations and showing mastery of curricular connections in our oral defence. We shall return to the oral presentation further on; now we should meet the SGO, remarking objective “f”, which directly refers to the final outcome that children should attain after their primary schooling. Yet, at this point it may be more than familiar: the development of practical communicative abilities, getting them to use the FL in everyday living. A careful reading is likely to be more advisable than explaining the obvious.
a)To know and appreciate the values and rules of coexistence, learning to behave accordingly, prepare them for active citizenship, respecting human rights and the natural pluralism of a democratic society.
b)To develop individual and team work habits, showing effort and responsibility for their work as well as self-confidence attitudes, critical awareness, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in learning, and enterprising spirit.
c)To acquire abilities for the prevention and pacific conflicts solving, which allow getting by autonomously in familiar and domestic ambience, as well as in the social groups to whom they establish relations with.
d)To know, understand and respect different cultures and differences amongst people, equal rights and opportunities of men and women and non-discrimination towards the disabled.
e)To know and use appropriately the Castilian language, and, if so, the co-official language of the autonomous community and develop reading habits.
f)To acquire, in at least a FL, the basic communicative competence that allows them understand and produce simple messages, getting by in everyday situations.
g)To develop basic mathematical competence and begin to solve problems which require elemental arithmetical operations, geometry and calculations, and be capable of applying them to situations from their daily lives.
h)To know the fundamental aspects of Natural Science, Social Science, Geography, History and culture.
i)To begin to use information and communication technologies, developing critical awareness of the messages sent and received.
j)To use different representations and artistic expressions and initiate in the construction of visual and audiovisual proposals.
k)To value hygiene and health, accept the own human body and others, respect differences and use physical education and sport as a means for personal and social development.
l)To know and value the animals closed to human being and adopt a behaviour favouring its care.
m)To develop their affective capacities in all respects of personality and in their relationships with others, as well as an attitude against violence, prejudices of any kind and sexist stereotypes.
n)To foster road safety and attitudes of respect for norms to prevent road accidents.
A crucial step in our programming learning process consists of a simple investigation. We need to find out if the regional curriculum includes any other specification regarding objectives. It is very probable that there are no other inclusions (i.e. area objectives) in the curricular concretion that the autonomous communities make out of RD 126/14. Notwithstanding, there are some regional administrations like the Andalusian one, whose curriculum adds several common stage objectives dealing with the knowledge of the Andalusian culture; and also a series of foreign language objectives (FLO), related to the contents, evaluation criteria and learning indicators (following the Andalusian nomenclature). This fact in itself is not relevant as long as we understand how to accurately reflect the regional distinguishing marks in our FL syllabus. We must be aware that coping with the curriculum layout in the region is the cornerstone to professional syllabus design.
Let us imagine that the Curriculum Act for the region includes FL objectives (FLO). This means that we must include these objectives in our programming; however, there is a certain autonomy regarding how to do it. For example, if the curriculum organisation relates the FLO one by one with the contents and rest of curricular elements, we may feel free to group them in our document to gain space. This should be done respecting the skills they contribute to; that is, we may group in a chart all the FLO related to the first content block, adding the evaluation criteria and learning standards for the block of listening comprehension.
Notwithstanding, as we have already pointed out, it is very likely that the regional curriculum does not specify any other objectives and assumes the ones in RD 126/14 for the stage of primary. In this event, there are two clear options:
-Do not formulate any objectives for the FL, include the SGO in RD 126 in your programming and let it clear (i.e. in a chart) the contribution of our FL syllabus to these objectives. More concretely, a reference to how the products devised in each unit have an impact on the SGO can be remarked, so as to give evidence of curricular coherence by connecting contextualised educative proposals with the objectives that children must attain at the end of their primary schooling.
-Another option is to conclude that the inclusion of FLO for the grade and also for the different units (two levels of specification, from general to more operative) may be beneficial for the result. In that case, we can perfectly justify the presence of teacher-designed FLO with two irrefutable arguments: first and foremost, as already outlined, the legal educative framework in force defines the objectives as weighty curricular elements, concerned with…
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