The key benefits of choice
The key benefits of choice
Text extracted from our book: Método de resolución de casos prácticos – Inglés Primaria.
Autores: Mariano Muñoz Pérez y Tomás Navarro-Soto Mínguez
Moon (2005) draws the natural heterogeneity in any group with a simple sentence: “children come in all types”, and suggests some possible ways to succeed in organising an appropriate response (adapted from Moon):
• Planning differentiated activities so that children can progress at their own level.
• Giving enough time and promote autonomous learning strategies in which children are monitored by the teacher.
• Catering for all needs through different strategies: integration in heterogeneous groups, assignation of challenging but at the same time reachable goals or roles in the group, and the like.
•Catering for the students´ lack of interest and motivation through interesting and appealing and engaging tasks.
•Managing group dynamics (i.e. peer tutoring), differentiating tasks or establishing several levels of achievement.
Another essential aspect in this PCS is that the educational response towards diversity requires high coordination amongst professionals (main teachers, specialists, Orientation Team, School Management Team) and families. As we know, one crucial teacher´s duty is to inform families in relation to their children´ progress; however, we cannot forget the role of the teacher so as to favour parental involvement and how this close relation can eventually benefit students, especially those who require a specific educational response.
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